Job als Babysitter gesucht in Sankt Moritz? Täglich neue Inserate

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Babysitter, Nannys und Tagesmütter in Sankt Moritz →
Wir haben 58 Jobangebote für Sie gefunden.

Suche einen Babysitter für 1 Kind in Pontresina

Wir sind auf der Suche nach einer zuverlässigen Babysitterin, die bereit ist, in 7504 Pontresina zu arbeiten. Dies ist eine einmalige Aufgabe, die am 15.06.2024 in 5 Stunden erledigt werden soll. Die Betreuung ist für ein Kleinkind. Wir freuen uns au…

In cerca di una baby-sitter/tata per 2 bambini a Celerina

Buongiorno, Attualmente stiamo cercando un aiuto per luglio : avremmo bisogno di una persona che stia circa due settimane fissa in casa a Celerina per aiutare con bimbi di 2 e 4 anni, o eventualmente da mattina a sera. Scrivetemi indicando un recapit…

Looking for a nanny for 1 child in St Moritz

We'd like to find an amazing nanny who is ready to work in 7500 St Moritz. We are looking for regular support. It would be great if you could start as soon as possible. Please see the table below for the days and times that would suit us. The child y…

Babysitter needed for 2 children in Sankt Moritz

We'd like to find an amazing babysitter who is ready to work in 7500 Sankt Moritz. The job needs to be done between 24.03.2024 and 02.04.2024 with around 5 hours per day. The 2 kids you will look after are of pre-school (4.5 years) and primary school…

Suche einen Babysitter für 2 Kinder in Silvaplana

Wir suchen eine kinderliebe Babysitterin, die in 7513 Silvaplana arbeiten möchte. Wir brauchen diese Woche so viel Unterstützung wie möglich, wann immer verfügbar;) die Kinder sind 1 und 3.

Looking for a babysitter for 1 child in Pontresina

We'd like to find an amazing babysitter who is ready to work in 7504 Pontresina. The job needs to be done once. The child you will take care of is a gradeschooler. Please reach out if you are interested.

Looking for a babysitter for 1 child in St. Moritz

We are a Portuguese family of three going to St. Moritz on holidays. We'd like to find an amazing babysitter to take care of our 1-year-old daughter while we ski. This would be around 4 hours/day during the daytime, starting on 27.02.2024 until 02.03…

Auf der Suche nach einem Babysitter für mehr als 15 Kinder in Sils im Engadin/Segl

Wir suchen zwei vertrauenswürdige BabysitterInnen, die am 30.03.2024 in 3789 Sils im Engadin/Segl bzw. im Fextal arbeiten können. Wir benötigen Hilfe während einer grösseren Familienfeier (alle Eltern sind anwesend) für ca. 10 Stunden am 30.03.2024…

Looking for a babysitter for 2 children in Sankt Moritz

We need a great babysitter who is able to work in 7500 Sankt Moritz. Help is needed on an occasional basis, starting on 10.02.2024 and for 5 hours each time. The 2 kids you will look after are of baby and preschooler age. Are you the ideal candidate?…

Looking for a babysitter for 1 child in Sankt Moritz

We need a great babysitter who is able to work in 7500 Sankt Moritz. This is a one-time assignment, which needs to be done every day on the week of 10.02.2024 to 17.02.2024 when we are there on holidays skiing. Most of the times (if not at all ti…

Suche einen Babysitter für 2 Kinder in Sankt Moritz

Wir suchen eine kinderliebe und erfahrene Babysitterin, die in Sankt Moritz arbeiten möchte. Die Unterstützung wird gelegentlich und für jeweils rund 4 Stunden benötigt, primär abends. Die 2 zu betreuenden Kinder sind im Vorschulalter (2.5 und 4). Wi…

Babysitter needed for 3 children in Sankt Moritz

Hello! I am looking for a kind and fun babysitter who is available from 11-16 Feb in St Moritz Dorf. Working time will be from 12pm until 4pm, or from 4pm until midnight (depending on the days). My children are 3, 8 and 11. I can be a bit flexible…

Cerco una baby sitter per qualche sera che io e mio marito usciamo

Sto cercando una babysitter affidabile che può lavorare in 7503 samaden. L'aiuto è occasionalmente per la sera quando io e mio marito usciamo. I bambini sono due di sette e 10 anni Saro lieta di avere sue notizie.

Babysitter needed for 3 children in Sankt Moritz

We'd like to find an amazing babysitter who is ready to work in 7500 Sankt Moritz. The job needs to be done every now and then. Each work assignment will take 3.5 hours approximately. The 3 kids you will look after are of mixed ages (2,4,6). Please r…

Looking for a babysitter for 1 child in Celerina/Schlarigna

We are looking for a babysitter to look after our 3 year old daughter, Margot, for Monday 22 Jan while we ski. We would be gone from 9am until 3pm. We will be staying in Celerina. Please let me know if you are interested.

Suche einen Babysitter für 2 Kinder in Celerina

Wir suchen eine kinderliebe Babysitterin, die in 7505 Celerina arbeiten möchte. Die Unterstützung wird gelegentlich und für jeweils 4 Stunden benötigt. Die 2 zu betreuenden Kinder sind im Kleinkind- und Primarschulalter. Wir freuen uns, von Dir zu hö…

Babysitter for 2 children in Sankt Moritz Bad

We need a babysitter for St Mortiz Bad during the day time (830 - 1430) but can be flexible with timing. Experience with new born baby is essential. We have two girls aged 2 and a baby 8 weeks old. We look forward to hearing from you! Thanks

Babysitter needed for 1 child in Sankt Moritz

We will be staying at Clubmed St Moritz and are looking for someone to look after our 2.5 year old from 9.00/9.30-12.30/13.00 from January 1 - January 6, 2024. He is an easy going child and very happy to play, explore and do activities in the mini cl…

Cerco una baby-sitter per 1 bambino a Saint moritz

Sto cercando una babysitter affidabile che può lavorare in 7500 Saint moritz . L'aiuto è necessario da 29.12.2023 occasionalmente e per 5 ore alla volta. Il bambino il quale accudirete sarà un bambino in età prescolare. Saro lieto di avere suo notizi…

Cerco una baby-sitter per 2 bambini a St. Moritz

Desidero trovare una babysitter affidabile pronta a lavorare in 7500 St. Moritz. Siamo alla ricerca di un assistente su base regolare. Per noi sarebbe perfetto se potesse cominciare il 11.01.2024. I giorni e gli orari in cui saremmo disponibili sono …

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