Job als Babysitter gesucht in Sils/Segl Maria? Täglich neue Inserate

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Home > Babysitter Jobs > Babysitter Jobs im Kanton Graubünden > Babysitter Jobs in Sils/Segl Maria
Wir haben 56 Jobangebote für Sie gefunden.

Babysitter needed for 1 child in St. Moritz

We need a great babysitter who is able to work in 7500 St. Moritz. This job takes 4.5 hours to be completed. It will be required for 2 days, on 15.03.2025 and 17.03.2025. The child you will take care of is still a baby of less than 2 years. Are you t…

Looking for a daytime babysitter for Mar 11-15 in St. Moritz

My husband and I are looking for a nanny for our upcoming trip to St Moritz, from Mar 11-15 to primarily care for our 2.5 year old son who is too young to enter the hotel kids club without a guardian. We will be skiing during the daytime with our thr…

Babysitter gesucht für 1 Kind in Champfèr

Wir suchen eine kinderliebe Babysitterin, die in 7512 Champfèr arbeiten möchte. Wir suchen eine Person, die uns regelmässig unterstützen kann. Arbeitsbeginn wäre so schnell wie möglich. Bitte entnehmen Sie der Tabelle unten, welche Tage und Zeiten fü…

Babysitter für Annabelle in Sankt Moritz

Wann: Samstag, 22. Februar, von 18:00 Uhr bis ca. 24:00 – 2:00 Uhr Wo: Giardino Mountain Hotel, St. Moritz Wer: Unsere 5-jährige Tochter Annabelle Wir suchen eine liebevolle und zuverlässige Babysitterin für unsere Tochter Annabelle. Du würdest um…

Babysitter gesucht für 1 Kind in Falera

Wir sind auf der Suche nach einer zuverlässigen Babysitterin, die bereit ist, in Falera zu arbeiten. Wir sind von dem 17ten bis zu dem 21sten Februar in Falera und brauchen pro Tag für ein paar Stunden Hilfe.

Looking for a babysitter for 1 child in Celerina

We'd like to find an amazing babysitter who is ready to work in 7500 Celerina. The job will start on 24.02.2025 and needs to be done from time to time. Each work assignment will take 6 hours approximately. The child you will take care of is still a b…

Babysitter needed for 1 child in St Moritz

We need an experienced babysitter who is able to work in 7500 St Moritz. This is a one-time assignment, which needs to be done on 14.03.2025 / 12 hours and 15.03.2025 / 5 hours. The child you will take care of is still 2 months old so newborn experi…

Looking for a babysitter for 2 children in Sankt Moritz

We'd like to find an amazing babysitter who is ready to work in 7500 Sankt Moritz. It's a one-time assignment of 5 hours. The 2 kids you will look after are babies of less than 2 years and 5 years. Please reach out if you are interested.

Looking for a babysitter for 2 children in Sankt Moritz

We need a great babysitter who is able to work in 7500 Sankt Moritz. Help is needed for 3.5 hours on 14.02.2025 evening. The 2 kids you will look after are gradeschoolers. We will be very happy to hear from you.

Babysitter needed for 1 child in St Moritz

We need a great babysitter who is able to work in 7500 St Moritz. We are staying from 13th to 18th and will need some help likely on a daily basis. Hours to vary day to day to suit someone that can help for the week. The child you will take care of…

Suchen liebevolle Babysittern / Nanny in St Moritz

Wir suchen für Februar eine Nanny / Babysittern auf Stundenlohn Basis von 08.02-22.02.2025 in st Moritz. Bevorzugt Skilehrerin! Aufgaben: - gemeinsam spielen - Essen zu bereiten - skifahren gehen - abends ab und zu betreuen

Babysitter needed for 2 children in Sankt Moritz

We need a great babysitter who is able to work in 7500 Sankt Moritz. This is a one time task to be done within 6 hours. The 2 kids you will look after are of baby and preschooler age. Are you the ideal candidate? Don't hesitate to contact us.

Looking for a babysitter for our 14 months daughter in Sankt Moritz

We need a great babysitter who is able to work in 7500 Sankt Moritz. Help is required on an occasional basis, and consists of 4 hours per work assignment. The child you will take care of is still a baby of less than 2 years. We will be very happy to …

Babysitter needed for 1 child in Sankt Moritz

We need a great babysitter who is able to work in 7500 Sankt Moritz on 1st of januray from 11 to 16 :30.This is a one time task to be done within 7 hours. The child you will take care of is a preschooler. Are you the ideal candidate? Don't hesitate t…

Looking for a babysitter for 1 child in Sankt Moritz

We need a great babysitter who is able to work in 7500 Sankt Moritz. Help is required on an occasional basis, and consists of 3 to 4 hours per work assignment. The child you will take care of is still a baby of less than 2 years. We will be very happ…

Looking for a babysitter for 1 child in St Moritz

Hi l, We are visiting Hotel Laudinella over Christmas and would like to see if we can get a babysitter scheduled. We have two time frames we are looking for: -26th from 11:00-17:00 -27th from 19:00-0:00 Thank you!

Looking for a babysitter for 1 child in Sankt Moritz

We need a great babysitter who is able to work in 7500 Sankt Moritz. This is a one-time task to be babysit in the evening our 8 year old.

Looking for a babysitter for 2 children in St. Moritz

We need a great babysitter who is able to work in 7500 St. Moritz. Help is required on an occasional basis, and consists of 5 hours per work assignment. The 2 kids you will look after are of primary school age. We will be very happy to hear from you.…

Childcare needed for 1 child in St. Moritz

We'd like to find an amazing caregiver who is ready to work in 7500 St. Moritz. The job needs to be done on 16.12.2024, 17.12,18.12 ( and more days from 10.30-13.00) within 2.5 hours. The child you will take care of is still a baby of 2.5 years. We w…

Childcare needed for 1 child in St Moritz

We'd like to find an amazing caregiver who is ready to work in 7500 St Moritz . This is a one-time task. The child you will take care of is still a baby he is 7 months old. We're looking forward to receive your application. We are in St Moritz …

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