What is Babysitting24, and how does it work?
Babysitting24 is a platform where families can quickly and easily find loving care for their child.
Babysitting24 works like a marketplace, meaning the babysitters, nannies and childminders are not employed by us and do not have to pay us a commission later on when they accept jobs.
This is the qu
Does Babysitting24 cost anything for families?
If you are looking for loving childcare, use our platform free of charge to begin with. You create a profile and describe exactly what you are looking for. You then usually receive suitable applications within a short time. If you want to get in touch with babysitters, a small fee is charged. This u
What are the advantages of Babysitting24 for families compared to other providers?
We are the originalBabysitting24 is the first and largest childcare platform in Switzerland.
We have been bringing people together since 2007Since 2007, we have been helping thousands of families in Switzerland to find suitable childcare for their children every day.
Detailed profiles of the child
Can families test Babysitting24 without obligation?
Yes, using the free basic membership, you can test Babysitting24 with limited functionality: You can create a job offer and search for childminders in your area. This allows you to see whether there are suitable babysitters, nannies or childminders in your area on the platform. You can also see whet
How much does childcare cost per hour?
How much childcare costs per hour depends on the type of childcare, the experience and qualifications of the childminder and your region. The quickest way to get an overview of the hourly rates in your area is to search for a childminder.
By the way: The babysitters, nannies and childminders on Bab
What exactly does Babysitting24 cost?
At Babysitting24, there is only a one-time fee if you want to use our platform to its full extent, e.g. to read and write messages or respond to applications.
So that you can see in advance whether you can find a childminder in your area, you can search without registering. After registering free o
Who determines the hourly wage on Babysitting24?
On Babysitting24, babysitters, nannies and childminders determine their hourly wage themselves based on their experience and qualifications.
Once you have decided on a person, you can negotiate and finalise the wage. The childminder will then receive this directly from you and does not have to pay
Are the profiles of the babysitters, nannies and childminders verified?
We manually review new profiles, and they go through a multi-stage quality assurance process. Additionally, childminders have the option to verify their profile with an ID card. We use the same system that banks, for example, use. A verified profile can be identified by the "Verified" notice next to