
What is Babysitting24, and how does it work?

Babysitting24 is a platform where families can quickly and easily find loving care for their child.

Babysitting24 works like a marketplace, meaning the babysitters, nannies and childminders are not employed by us and do not have to pay us a commission later on when they accept jobs.

This is the quickest way to find loving childcare:

  1. You create a free job offer and describe what kind of care you are looking for.
  2. You will usually receive suitable applications within a short time.
  3. At the same time, you can search the profiles of the babysitters yourself.
  4. Become a premium member in order to contact babysitters and reply to applications.
  5. You reply to suitable applicants or write to babysitters yourself.
  6. Select 2-3 suitable candidates and arrange an initial interview and a trial assignment to get to know them better.
  7. You hire the babysitter, nanny or childminder.

Learn more about how our platform works here: How does Babysitting24 work?