
Are the profiles of the babysitters, nannies and childminders verified?

We manually review new profiles, and they go through a multi-stage quality assurance process. Additionally, childminders have the option to verify their profile with an ID card. We use the same system that banks, for example, use. A verified profile can be identified by the "Verified" notice next to the person's name.

We also have a very reliable review system – you can gauge the quality and trustworthiness of the babysitter, nanny or childminder based on the reviews. In each profile, you can also see the response rate, the last login date, as well as uploaded resumes, certificates, and references. This way, you can assess whether the person is active on our platform and what experiences other parents have had with them.

You can assume a serious candidate if the profile meets the following criteria:

  • A professional profile picture
  • At least two good reviews
  • Appealing introductory text
  • References (already uploaded or available on request)

Learn more about how we ensure security on our platforms: Your security is our concern