We are the original
Babysitting24 is the first and largest childcare platform in Switzerland.
We have been bringing people together since 2007
Since 2007, we have been helping thousands of families in Switzerland to find suitable childcare for their children every day.
Detailed profiles of the childminders
At Babysitting24, babysitters, nannies and childminders have a detailed profile with a photo, references, CV and reviews from other parents. This allows you to get a first impression of the childminder beforehand.
Find reliable childcare easily
Once you have registered, you will receive suitable applications from babysitters, nannies or childminders in your area. This means you don't have to actively search through profiles, but will be found by the right people and decide for yourself who will look after your child or children.
Fair wages for childcare
Many placement agencies earn money from every hour worked by babysitters, nannies and childminders because they charge a commission fee of around 20% of the wage in addition to the salary. With us, there are no commission payments - you only pay a one-off fee to contact the childminders. You pay 100% of the hourly wage directly to your babysitter, nanny or childminder.
One time fee instead of subscription
With Babysitting24, you register free of charge and can view the profiles of all babysitters, nannies and childminders. A small one time fee is only charged if you wish to contact them or reply to their applications.
Swiss company with Swiss customer service
We are a company based in Zurich with reliable Swiss customer service.