Hello, my name is Samanta, I'm Brazilian. I was a military police officer for 10 years in Brazil and used to look after my cousins on my days off. I have experience with children. I'm responsible and …
Hello I am Valeria and I have been working with children of all ages for many years. I have been babysitting for many years families with children from 6 months old to 12 years old, primarily my grand…
Hello, I’m Anna! I am a native English speaker from Boston, USA. I have a driver’s license and 10+ years paid experience working with children in daycare, nannying, babysitting, and summer camps. I es…
I am Elisa , I have a degree in Science of Education from the University of Urbino in Italy. I have been working in Italy for 4 years in kindergarten and I have experience with children from 4 months…
Ciao sono Ilaria, sono una mamma di 2 bambine di 4 e 9 anni, ho una laurea in pedagogia e ho esperienza decennale con bambini. Ho lavorato in una scuola materna per 7 anni. Sono una tata esperta, amor…
Hi, my name is Angelika, and I am an Italian girl who moved to Switzerland over a year ago to work as an au pair for an Italian-German family until the beginning of September, taking care of their thr…
Nach meinem Master Abschluss in Mathematik auf Lehramt, (Pädagogik Studium) habe ich mehrere Jahre als Mathematik Lehrerin gearbeitet. Zuletzt war ich als Erzieherin in Berlin tätig und kann Ihnen auc…
Hello my name is Lorena, I am from Albania but raised in Greece. I am patient, kind, and I love to create art and bring out the creative side in children. I am also firm and fair. I have studied nu…
Hello! I'm Ivana, mother of two grown-up girls and a nursery and primary school teacher for over 10 years. I have a lot of experience with children and I speak Italian, English and German (certified B…
I worked in a kindergarten in Greece and was responsible for feeding and cleaning the children..I love kids and activities with them!!I am myself a mother of one and stepmother of 2 children.I want th…
Guten Tag Liebe Eltern. Ich bin Leonora und liebe Kinder. Ich suche einen Nebenjob als Babysitterin ich liebe es Kinder zu Betreuen und mit Ihnen zu Spielen. Ich habe jeden Tag von Mo- Fr vormittags 4…
Mi chiamo Virginia sono mamma di 3 figli di 17/14/13anni sono una mamma amorevole, non fumo ho la patente, cucino anche per le famiglie e aiuto in casa, se avete interesse potete contattarmi
Hallo liebe Familien. Mein Ziel für die Zukunft ist es Lehrerin zu werden. Um dies zu erreichen besuche ich zurzeit die 5. FMS an der Kantonsschule Zürich Nord. Da ich also noch zur Schule gehe und un…
Salve cari genitori Ho lavorato con i bambini sia in ambito privato che professionale Sono disponibili referenze e contatti con le famiglie precedenti- Ho il brevetto di primo soccorso con defibrillat…
Hello families! I have years working with people, especially with kids. I studded the socio-educational assistant in Barcelona and I have more than 7 years of experience with 6 months - 12 years kids…
Sono una mamma di tre bambini, con loro ho acquisito esperienza nella loro cura e capacità di proporre attività in base alle loro diverse età. Mi piace proporre lavoretti manuali, giochi che stimolan…
Ich bin gelernte Fachfrau Gesundheit und wohnhaft in Zürich. Ich bringe bereits viele Jahre Erfahrung als Nanny und Babysitterin mit und bin eine ruhige Person die gerne mit den Kids was unternimmt un…
Ciao sono Rosa Maria. Amo impegnarmi con i bambini e accompagnarli nella scoperta del mondo. Se lo desidera posso anche aiutare in casa e cucinare. Per qualsiasi info non esistare a contattarmi.
Sono Ylenia, offro servizio di babysitting e tata, ho esperienza con i bambini in quanto sono stata animatrice in centri estivi, ho lavorato nei pre e post scuola ed in questi due ultimi anni da sette…
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