Private babysitters and nannies
If you have found a job offer that interests you, you can write to the employer via the message function on our platform to apply. The parents will then look at your profile, references and documents and respond to you if they are interested. Afterwards, you can arrange an initial interview and trial visit together to get to know each other better.
Self-employed nannies, daycare mothers and companies
If you want to apply for job offers, a small fee will be charged. After that, you are a premium member and can use our platform to the full extent: You can write messages and apply for job offers. If they are interested, the parents will reply to you, and you can arrange an initial interview and a trial visit together to get to know each other better.
Please note that Babysitter24 has different conditions for private individuals and companies.
You can find out more about our conditions here: Prices and conditions