hallo liebe, *-* Ich bin Yasmin, ich komme aus Brasilien,habe zwei kinder und ich wohne in schwerzenbach, in brasiliien habe ich als tagesmutter gearbeitet, eine erst hilf kurs studiert. Ich bin Dip…
Hi. I'm looking for a job in the area of child care. I am a dynamic person, responsible and willing to work. I have experience in housework, taking care of children and walking animals. If you stay wi…
Dear Family, I am a nanny with many years of experience in childcare and early education. In the last few years I have specialized in infant and toddler (although older children are always welcome to…
Liebe Eltern, mein name ist Alisa und ich bin eine sehr positiv aufgestellte Person. Seit letztem Jahr halte ich erfolgreich meine Matura in der Hand, welche ich im Gymnasium Unterstrass.edu absolvie…
Mein Name ist Lea. Wohnhaft bin ich im Kanton Zürich. Ich biete Babysitting an und bin eine sehr zuverlässige und pünktliche Person. Ich helfe sehr gerne und bin eine fröhliche Person. Erfahrung habe…
Hello everyone, I`m Aino, 29-years old woman from Finland. I`m looking for a part-time job beside my studies. My educational background is in field of sports and well-being (physical activity counsel…
My name is Barbi. I am from Hungary. I live in Zurich. I have 5 years experience with children from 2 months old to 12 years old. I have a B work permit. I have a CPR and First Aid certificate. …
Hi, my name is María, I am a primary school teacher. Since 2018, I have been living and working in Switzerland. Currently, I work full-time with a family, but on my days off, I would love to continu…
I am a kind, friendly, creative person who loves to work with people, especially toddlers. I have a BA Degree in photography and an A2L diploma in Fine art. In addition, I also acquired an A2 level di…
Je suis Elia! Je propose du babysitting régulièrement. J'ai fais quelques babysitting auparavant et j'ai hate de continuer avec d'autres enfants. J’ai aussi mon diplôme de secourisme, me permettant de…
Positive, loving, motivated Nanny. Very flexible, reliable with more than 12 years of working experience.I have patience and resilience in, overseeing children . in providing clear guidelines that pro…
Hello parents! Here is Artemis! I am an art teacher and I had always, babysitting side-jobs since I was in high-school, that means the first kid I took care of today is an adult! Taking care of kids…
I'm Sarah Charina, and live in Zurich. I offers babysitting. It's important for me to promote and support the kind.Ich verbringe auch sehr gerne Zeit mit den Kindern, weil ich 3 Neffen habe, die …
Sono Amanda e sono una mamma Italiana di 41 anni! Ho un figlio di 11 anni e sono in Svizzera da otto anni! Mi occupo già di cucinare per bambini che vanno a scuola e loro ne sono molto felici! Sono m…
My name is Fátima, I am from Spain. Since I was a child I have loved taking care of the little ones, as I have taken care of my sister, cousins and on occasion I have worked as a nanny during the summ…
Dear Parents, I’m a highly experienced, reliable nanny and former au pair with 12+ years of experience in childcare looking for a full time position (40hrs). I'm a highly independent, active nanny wi…
Hey my name is Mey I am a qualified childcare specialist and have been babysitting for years. I enjoy working with children and happy to help out the Parents out. I will start my studies as a Teacher …
Liebe Eltern. Ich bin Luana, 15 Jahre alt. Ich arbeite als Fachfrau Betreuung Kleinkinder. Ich liebe es mit Kinder zu spielen, schlafen gehen und viel mehr. Ich will jedem Kind so gut wie ich es kann …
Hallo! Mein Name ist Céline. Zurzeit besuche ich noch die Schule und möchte gerne nebenher Babysitten (samstags, sonntags oder an vereinzelten Abenden unter der Woche.) In den Jahren 2020 bis 2023 ha…
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