From 10 CHF / h

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Flexible options for one-time, weekly, or monthly babysitting services

Reliable babysitter with ratings and reviews

Transparent pricing with no hidden fees

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You create a free job offer and describe what is important to you.

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Receive applications

You will receive suitable applications within a short time and can get in touch if you are interested.

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You decide who suits you and your family best.

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Experience with Babysitting24

We bring people together

We have been successfully bringing people together since 2007. To date, one in 10 people in Switzerland has found someone through one of our platforms.

Pioneer in the placement of competent childcare in Switzerland

Detailed profiles with CV, references and photos

Reviews and ratings

Secure messaging function within the platform

Reliable customer service in Switzerland

Since 2007

we help families find the perfect childcare


registered everyday helpers


jobs posted

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