
1024 Ecublens

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Presentazione personale

Dear family, my name is Lenka and I originally come from Czech republic. I´m 37 years old and I used to live in Prague. I´ve been living and working in Switzerland since August 2016. I have a valid Swiss B permit and my own car (that could be potentially used for working purposes) and I´m reliable and skilled driver. I´m in a good state of health, hardly ever being sick. I don't eat meat, the reason is that I feel more energetic and on the go. I´m a good swimmer. I´m not religious. At the moment I´m looking for a nice, easy-going family. I´m ready to provide any kind of childcare as I have experience with various ages (0-15) after all my past nanny stays abroad. I´m used to a morning routine (waking up kids, getting them dressed, breakfast preparation, making snacks for school), I can cook or prepare meals, I can do school drop offs and pick ups, bathing routine and putting them to bed. With smaller kids who stay at home I´m able to get them entertained by playing fun games, I love art so I like to make different art projects with the kids,I like to go to parks or playgrounds. I know to play piano, so I can teach kids. I´m willing to babysit in the evenings if necessary.

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