
7500 St. Moritz
Baby-sitter • Tata

Dati sull'assistenza

Tipo di assistenza
Baby-sitter o Tata
Esperienza con
  • Neonati (fino a 12 mesi)
  • Bambini (1-3 anni)
  • Età prescolare (4-6 anni)
  • Età scolare
Numero di bambini massimo possibile
4 o più

Presentazione personale

My name is Andreja and I come from six-membered family from Slovenia. Recently I finished my studies of Food science at the Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana. In my spare time I travel, I do sports and I love dancing. I consider myself a responsible, trustworthy, patient, honest and funy babysitter. As an older sister, I grew up watching and taking care of my little brother and sister. I adapt to the wishes and needs of parents and I try to understand the unique characteristics of each child. I enjoy working with kids and I think they also like me.

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