
8951 Fahrweid
Baby-sitter • Tata • Mamma diurna
2 valutazioni

Dati sull'assistenza

Tipo di assistenza
Baby-sitter, Tata o Mamma diurna
Esperienza con
  • Neonati (fino a 12 mesi)
  • Bambini (1-3 anni)
  • Età prescolare (4-6 anni)
  • Età scolare
Numero di bambini massimo possibile

Presentazione personale


My name is Diana.

I'm not looking for a job by itself but the best contribution to me and the other side, can not be only what is best for me but for both.

My relationship with children has come a long way since my childhood and continues to this day. My maternal grandmother was a babysitter until her seventy years old and we, grandchildren, grew very close and helped in her profession.

I went until the end of last year, over 3 years, nanny of a beautiful Swiss boy of 3 years and 4 months. I've worked with him and his loving family since his birth, a unique experience and connection between us, for life.

For the past 4 years and in my spare time, I have been babysitting children of different ages.

My focus is 100% on the child. I have the AMI certified montessori assistant course for 3-6 year olds as well and my line of work is primarily concerned with the emotions and needs of each child with an active and attentive presence.

Feel free to talk to me and know any additional information, as well my swiss references letters.



Diana F.

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