
1212 Grand-Lancy
Baby-sitter • Tata • Mamma diurna
1 valutazione

Dati sull'assistenza

Tipo di assistenza
Baby-sitter, Tata o Mamma diurna
Esperienza con
  • Neonati (fino a 12 mesi)
  • Età scolare
Numero di bambini massimo possibile

Presentazione personale

Hi, my name is Mitsuko but you can call me Mitch, 31years old and with Permit B. Looking for a job as babysitter or guard to children. Also, I can manage to do babysitting at my home. I am an experienced caregiver here in Geneva for 2 yrs, and also a nurse from my native country Philippines. Taking care of young to adult. Also knowledgeable in first aid treatment. Hope you would consider

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