
8057 Zürich

Dati sull'assistenza

Tipo di assistenza
Esperienza con
  • Bambini (1-3 anni)
  • Età prescolare (4-6 anni)
  • Età scolare
Numero di bambini massimo possibile

Presentazione personale

Hello, I am Eka. 30 years old Student/ Musician from Tbilisi, Georgia. Since 6 years I am living and Studying in Zürich.I am caring, motivated,energetic, friendly, flexible and really positive person:) I worked as a Babysitter in my home country and here in switzerland in different families.My mother is kindergarden teacher so for me is also super easy and fun to communicate with the children and take care of them. I always felt that Children like to spend time with me.

If you like I can also teach your child how to play the piano :)

Children make my life more lifefull and beautiful, So, Therefore I am so looking forward to babysitt your child :)

P.s. I speak German too:)

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