
1224 Geneva
Baby-sitter • Tata • Mamma diurna

Dati sull'assistenza

Tipo di assistenza
Baby-sitter, Tata o Mamma diurna
Numero di bambini massimo possibile

Presentazione personale

Hello my name is saidy from philippines, married and fully legal to stay in geneva.Im looking for partime / fulltime job babysitting/ housework

Graduated in philippines,and holding of degree in nursing.nurse by proffession.

Being a nurse and my experience i am competent to say that i am trained enough to take care your kids. I am knowledgeable enough to takecare your kids even sick or well. And i have training to do all the kids of first aid.

I am hard working and very flexible with any kind of work. Caring and trustwothy.

Thank you

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