
9444 Diepoldsau

Dati sull'assistenza

Tipo di assistenza
Esperienza con
  • Neonati (fino a 12 mesi)
  • Bambini (1-3 anni)
  • Età prescolare (4-6 anni)
  • Età scolare
Numero di bambini massimo possibile
Servizi aggiuntivi
  • Cucinare e preparazione del cibo
  • Prendere e portare i bambini

Presentazione personale

Babysitter from Austria called Conni, 28, with several years babysitting experience,

is looking for a nice family.

i want to help, find new friends/family and learn :)

I LOOOOVE kids and also animals, i like it to learn and also like to assume new challanges.

I can cook snacks and basic dishes. It's no problem for me to prepare something to eat for the kids, and/or clean up the kitchen after cooking.

I have no problem doing some housework for you like tidying for the children's toys or fill up the dishwasher etc.

I have my driving license & my own car, since i am 18years old - and I drive everyday at least 40km - I'm a very secure driver, so "school run" will not be a problem for me. I own the full driving licences for all vehicles, for cars & big trucks (both with trailer) & motorcycle.

I could teach your kids German or English, if you want.

i can do all the "girly things" like making (hair-)braids or knot wristbands/neckless, produce crochet things, face-painting for carneval etc.

Generally i love the nature and I spend very much time outside the house - walking / climbing / swimming / exploring / playing ball / snowboarding / juggeling / horse riding / reading / bike / collecting / do handicrafts with wood, stones, leaves, flowers etc. (!)(!) that means action-action-action for your kids! (and your animals)

:) i don't care if I become dirty

My interests include also: - make musik (guitar) and sing - play with pets/animals (have 2 cats & a dog, horse riding since over 16 years now) -travel

i have vistited many places in the world and want to go on like this- if possible. Australia is the only continent left that i did't visit yet.

I love children and 'new people' at all - they are such a big inspiration to me and bring so much happiness and fun.

If you choose me as your Babysitter - then I am sure we will have a great time!

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