
1020 Renens VD
Baby-sitter • Tata • Mamma diurna

Dati sull'assistenza

Tipo di assistenza
Baby-sitter, Tata o Mamma diurna
Esperienza con
  • Neonati (fino a 12 mesi)
  • Bambini (1-3 anni)
  • Età prescolare (4-6 anni)
  • Età scolare
Numero di bambini massimo possibile

Presentazione personale

I am non smoking. Working with children is my profession. I am responsible warm person, I am compassionate and trustworthy. I fulfill my duties with commitment and devotion. I am very reliable and organized and at the same time respect children parents' rituals and routines. I also understand the fine line of helping but giving children the space they need.

I proactive care for children, interactive, take them for walks, playground, parks, play games, boardgames, drawings, Origami, reading fairy tales, etc. I care for their safety, health and hygiene, and keep their playing/working area clean and well organized.

Education and manners are important to me. I share my point of view but always respect the parents' decisions.

A compromise is possible. I have permis B. I have already had experiences in Switzerland with babies and kids.

I speak French English and Polish .

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