
1207 Genève

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Presentazione personale


I am a 23 years old Portuguese girl, studied Law in Lisbon, I am currently working in the UN in Geneva and I love this city and what I do.

My biggest passions in life are traveling, having good times with friends and being around children.

I come from a huge family, I have more than 20 cousins and so often times I babysit for them, in adiction to the paid babysittings for other children that I have done for more than 6 years now.

Besides, I have volunteered to coordinate children summer camps as long as I can remember, inclusively a summer camp in South Korea where I took care of 5 children from Portugal for a full month.

I am described as a responsible but fun, positive and very playful person.

I would love to give my time to contribute to your children’s happiness!!

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