4051 Basel
Baby-sitter • Tata

Dati sull'assistenza

Tipo di assistenza
Baby-sitter o Tata
Esperienza con
  • Bambini (1-3 anni)
  • Età prescolare (4-6 anni)
  • Età scolare
Numero di bambini massimo possibile

Presentazione personale


My name is Marjorie, I am from Brazil, and I am a Portuguese teacher. I came to Switzerland to accompanying my husband in his Ph.D. at the University of Basel and we live here for 2 years.

About my experience, I have worked as a babysitter for 3 years taking care of toddlers (around 1,5 years old), and children (11-12 years old).

I am fluent in English and Portuguese (mother language), and I am studying German.

The knowledge from my graduation includes pedagogy which helps me to motivate the youths to fulfill their tasks in a playful manner. I like to encourage kids and teenagers to read and play outside. I am patient, dedicated, and I love to be with children.

If you are interested in my profile, please send me a message.

See you,


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